So now I’ve got four countries visiting my blog! Yupee šŸ˜€

Nothing that special happened after trolls left; I went home, got some really good food and came back. Yup, that’s pretty much it. That is seriously it. And now I really feel like writing. And you know what that means? It means stories that’ll never ever be read because they are hidden somewhere in the depths of my computer.

So now, as I’m off to write some serious stories, I’ll leave you guys with this amazing video, dedicated to Alex as she was the one to find it. And by the way, great that your coming here!!!! You so need to see my bloody awesome new apartment! You just give me a call and we’ll party all night ;DĀØ

P.S. Myy, sorry for no drunken text messagesĀ ;D I’ll try those next time you decidedĀ that Kokkola is the place to be ;D

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